🚨 ATTENTION: ONly For Those who Want To Transform Their Lives by Transforming their health
🚨 ATTENTION: ONly For Those who Want To Transform Their Lives by Transforming their health
take your health to the next level byDiscovering Your body's Deficiencies

Learn The Root Cause Of What May Be Dramatically Impacting Your Health!

With Just One Drop Of Blood!

looking for a natural and holistic ALTERNATive to transform your health?

Experience the life-changing benefits of IV Nutrition, chelation, major autohemotherapy (MAH), Ultraviolet light blood irradiation (UBI), Prolozone Joint therapy, and more. The Nectar is a modified Meyer's cocktail with amazing amounts of vitamin C, highly absorbable B vitamins, trace minerals, calcium, and magnesium to help your body.


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ONE TIME OFFER ($37): You're not just buying Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In condimentum aliquam arcu, ut pharetra nunc feugiat in. Nam tempor dui non mi mollis vulputate. Donec fermentum arcu ac mauris placerat, quis mattis mi porttitor. Nulla condimentum felis lacus, eu viverra dui congue a.


Learn The Root Cause Of What May Be Dramatically Impacting Your Health!

With Just One Drop Of Blood!

looking for a natural and holistic ALTERNATive to transform your health?

Experience the life-changing benefits of IV Nutrition, chelation, major autohemotherapy (MAH), Ultraviolet light blood irradiation (UBI), Prolozone Joint therapy, and more. The Nectar is a modified Meyer's cocktail with amazing amounts of vitamin C, highly absorbable B vitamins, trace minerals, calcium, and magnesium to help your body.


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ONE TIME OFFER ($37): You're not just buying Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In condimentum aliquam arcu, ut pharetra nunc feugiat in. Nam tempor dui non mi mollis vulputate. Donec fermentum arcu ac mauris placerat, quis mattis mi porttitor. Nulla condimentum felis lacus, eu viverra dui congue a.


From Thyroid Disease to Bursting with Energy
Melissa suffered for over a decade with Hashimoto’s disease. Seeking many different healthcare options that all fell short she felt as if there was no hope. After 10 weeks of advanced nutritional therapies she now has more energy than she can ever remember and notices other healing aspects in her body.
Stress Disorder and Massive Fatigue Destroying Life
Stephanie suffered with debilitating fatigue, PTSD, chronic Epstein Barr infection and bouts of depression. She had no desire to thrive. After identifying her deficiencies with medical microscopy customizing IV nutrients to meet her unique demands she moved to tons of energy, lifted brain fog, noticeable healing and a huge “I WANT TO” in her life with tons of motivation back.
Sleepless in Elko...to supercharged!
Elizabeth lives a really busy life. Running multiple businesses she suffered with massive fatigue. No energy to keep up. She never mentioned a problem of insomnia since she was teen until that dramatically changed after beginning advanced nutritional therapy. Now she thrives while she sleeps like a baby and notices the energy and focus to handle business.


From Thyroid Disease to Bursting with Energy
Melissa suffered for over a decade with Hashimoto’s disease. Seeking many different healthcare options that all fell short she felt as if there was no hope. After 10 weeks of advanced nutritional therapies she now has more energy than she can ever remember and notices other healing aspects in her body.
Stress Disorder and Massive Fatigue Destroying Life
Stephanie suffered with debilitating fatigue, PTSD, chronic Epstein Barr infection and bouts of depression. She had no desire to thrive. After identifying her deficiencies with medical microscopy customizing IV nutrients to meet her unique demands she moved to tons of energy, lifted brain fog, noticeable healing and a huge “I WANT TO” in her life with tons of motivation back.
Sleepless in Elko...to supercharged!
Elizabeth lives a really busy life. Running multiple businesses she suffered with massive fatigue. No energy to keep up. She never mentioned a problem of insomnia since she was teen until that dramatically changed after beginning advanced nutritional therapy. Now she thrives while she sleeps like a baby and notices the energy and focus to handle business.

Hear what others are saying

Increased Immunity
By targeting imbalances in the body the immune system can have the energy necessary to heal and fight off pathogens.
Natural Healing
Given the right nutrients to meet deficiencies that body can heal naturally. 
What You Might Be Missing 
Learn what traditional static blood labs can miss.  Unless you and your doctor ask the right questions from a blood draw you may be missing vital information that this test can reveal.

Hear what others are saying

Increased Immunity
By targeting imbalances in the body the immune system can have the energy necessary to heal and fight off pathogens.
Natural Healing
Given the right nutrients to meet deficiencies that body can heal naturally. 
What You Might Be Missing 
Learn what traditional static blood labs can miss.  Unless you and your doctor ask the right questions from a blood draw you may be missing vital information that this test can reveal.

frequently asked questions

  • Is IV Nutrition Safe?: Because the nutrients are all water soluble their is no major safety or health concerns.
  • ​If I have an underlying health condition can I still get an IV?: Yes in fact many health conditions can benefit from IV Nutrients. There is only one rare condition where IV Vitamin C is contraindicated but the Doctor and the Nurse staff team will do a complete health history and exam to make sure you are a candidate for IV Nutrition.
  • ​​What is actually in the IV?: Although we have a variety of different IV's on our menu the main IV called "The Nectar" is a modified Meyer's cocktail containing a high amount of vitamin C, all the B vitamins, Calcium, Magnesium and trace minerals.
  • ​​​How will I feel after an IV?: Most feel amazing after an IV, occasionally people can experience light nausea or fatigue but this is almost always from not hydrating before and after an IV and or not eating. Vitamin C can cause a low of blood sugar but don't worry we provide water (fiji water of course) and snacks. We often will order food in for those on a busy and tight schedule.
  • ​​What ages can benefit from an IV?: All ages can benefit from IV nutrients, the better question is that person deficient? If a person, regardless of age, is deficient then ONLY replacing those nutrients could help a body.
  • ​​​How long does an IV take?: Although some can get an IV in 15-20 minutes we like to make sure you take your time and not get too much of the "rush" at once. We have you plan about an hour for your treatment.
  • ​​How long will the nutrients last?: Studies have suggested that blood serum levels of the nutrients stay elevated for 4-5 days. This is why we will recommend weekly IV's if you're targeting a chronic issue or have been deficient for a long time.
  • ​Are the IV's expensive?: Although cost is relative and the perspective of the buyer, the amount of nutrients that are packed into each IV and the forms of the vitamins and minerals are the best known to man. Bottomline a more concentrated form means bigger and faster results ultimately saving money in the long run.

Learn More From Dr. Todd...

What is NECTAR IV?

You won't believe the types of bacteria & fungi in your body right NOW!

The root cause of STRESS and how to overcome it!

NATURAL CURES that pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about...

Learn More From Dr. Todd...

What is NECTAR IV?

You won't believe the types of bacteria & fungi in your body right NOW!

The root cause of STRESS and how to overcome it!

NATURAL CURES that pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about...


Dr. Todd Wendell

Dr. & Owner of The Nectar IV Nutrition
Dr. & Owner of Ruby Mountain Chiropractic Center


The Nectar has an incredible team to help you meet your needs and reach your health goals. A Nurse Practitioner and RN are at the lead to oversee these therapies and ensure your safety and efficacy of each and every experience. Dr. Wendell’s years of clinical nutrition and medical microscopy will help identify your deficiencies and set you up with a customized plan based on your live blood analysis. Together this team has the experience to help you transform your life.

Dr. Todd Wendell

Dr. & Owner of The Nectar IV Nutrition
Dr. & Owner of Ruby Mountain Chiropractic Center


The Nectar has an incredible team to help you meet your needs and reach your health goals. A Nurse Practitioner and RN are at the lead to oversee these therapies and ensure your safety and efficacy of each and every experience. Dr. Wendell’s years of clinical nutrition and medical microscopy will help identify your deficiencies and set you up with a customized plan based on your live blood analysis. Together this team has the experience to help you transform your life.
Copyright © 2021
The Nectar IV Nutrition
(775) 777-3033
638 Idaho Street
Elko, NV 89801
Copyright © 2021
The Nectar IV Nutrition
(775) 777-3033
638 Idaho Street
Elko, NV 89801
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